Saturday, April 27, 2013

About WITS

My students and I are constantly inspired by the work of others, and decided to celebrate this inspiration annually.  Our hope is that this will encourage us to engage with recent literature, but also share with each other papers we might not have come across on our own.  This year, we instituted a contest to encourage the timely reading and discussion of inspiring papers.  For those interested, here are the rules we hashed out:

1. We may each nominate two papers published from June 1, 2012 – August 31, 2013. Group members (currently, 4 of us) must nominate at least 1 paper (max = 2), we encourage nominations by others.

2.  Each nomination must touch on two of the following broad areas (but need not be framed as such in the paper): phonetic variation, spoken word recognition, speech perception, memory, attention, or related areas in social-network theory or social psychology.

3. To nominate a paper, you must: (1) send the citation, (2) a “Why it is inspiring” statement (no longer than 4 sentences), and (3) a "something to think about" statement (no longer than 4 sentences) to MEGHAN.  Feel free to replace nominations if you come across something that inspires you even more than your originally nominated paper.

4. Final nominations are accepted on August 31, 2013.

5. We all read all the nominated papers, and vote for our favorite via Doodle Poll on September 21, 2013.

6. We have a dinner to celebrate our favorite paper of the year!!!  This year’s date: Tuesday, October 1, 2013; 6:00pm, Evvia.

7.  Start over for next year!

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